Module 2 - Project Development
Duration: 20 Weeks
Flutter & Dart Basics I - Getting a Solid Foundation [ROLL DICE APP]
Topics that will be covered -
- Module Introduction
- Analysing A New Flutter Project
- From Dart To Machine Code
- How Programming Languages Work
- Starting From Scratch: Understanding Functions
- Importing Features From Packages
- How Flutter Apps Start
- Understanding Widgets
- Using a First Widget & Passing Values to Functions
- Positional & Named Arguments
- Deep Dive: Position & Named Arguments
- Combining Multiple Widgets
- Understanding "const" Values
- Building More Complex Widget Trees
- Understanding Value Types
- Configuring Widgets & Understanding Objects
- Working with "Configuration Objects" (Non-Widget Objects)
- Generics, Lists & Adding Gradient Colours
- How To Configure Widgets & Objects
- Practice: Styling Text
- Onwards to Custom Widgets: Why Do You Need Them?
- Understanding Classes
- Building Custom Widgets
- Working with Constructor Functions
- Splitting Code Across Files
- Practice: Create a Custom Widget
- Introducing Variables
- Variables & Types - Combining Two Key Concepts
- "final" & "const" - Special Kinds Of "Variables"
- Instance Variables (Properties) & Configurable Widgets
- Practice: Reusable Widgets & Constructor Functions
- Displaying Images & Using Multiple Constructor Functions
- Adding Buttons & Using Functions As Values
- Styling Buttons & Working with Padding
- How NOT To Build Interactive Widgets
- Introducing Stateful Widgets
- Generating Random Numbers
- Module Summary
Flutter & Dart Basics II - Fundamental Deep Dive [QUIZ APP]
- Module Introduction
- A Challenge For You!
- Challenge Solution 1/2 - Creating a Widget
- Challenge Solution 2/2 - Working with More Widgets
- Adding Icons to Buttons
- Adding Transparency to Widgets
- Repetition & Exercise: Adding a Stateful Widget
- Rendering Content Conditionally
- Accepting & Passing Functions as Values
- The "initState" Method
- Deep Dive: Flutter's (Stateful) Widget Lifecycle
- Using Ternary Expressions & Comparison Operators
- Understanding "if" Statements
- Using "if" Statements In Lists
- if Statements & Comparison Operators
- Adding a Data Model & Dummy Data
- Configuring a Column
- Creating a Reusable, Custom Styled Button
- Accessing List Elements & Object Properties
- Mapping Lists & Using the Spread Operator
- Alignment, Margin & Padding
- Mutating Values in Memory
- Managing The Questions Index As State
- More on Button Styling
- Using Third-Party Packages & Adding Google Fonts
- Passing Data via Functions Across Widgets
- More Conditions
- Getting Started with the Results Screen
- Passing Data to the Results Screen
- Introducing Maps & "for" Loops
- Using "for" Loops In Lists
- Note: A Typo In The Next Lecture
- Accessing Map Values & Using "Type Casting"
- Combining Columns & Rows
- Expanded To The Rescue!
- Filtering & Analysing Lists
- Making Content Scrollable with SingleChildScrollView
- Beyond the Basics: Optional, Important Dart Features
- Module Summary
Debugging Flutter Apps
- Module Introduction
- The Starting Project & A Problem
- Understanding Error Messages
- Debugging Apps & Using "Debug Mode"
- Working with the Flutter DevTools
- Running the App on Real iOS or Android Devices
Adding Interactivity, More Widgets & Theming [EXPENSE TRACKER APP]
- Module Introduction
- Starting Setup & Repetition Time!
- Adding an Expense Data Model with a Unique ID & Exploring Initializer Lists
- Introducing Enums
- Creating Dummy Data
- Efficiently Rendering Long Lists with ListView
- Using Lists Inside Of Lists
- Creating a Custom List Item with the Card & Spacer Widgets
- Using Icons & Formatting Dates
- Setting an AppBar with a Title & Actions
- Adding a Modal Sheet & Understanding Context
- User (Text) Input with the TextField Widget
- Getting User Input on Every Keystroke
- Letting Flutter do the Work with TextEditingController
- Time to Practise: Adding a New Input
- Exercise Solution
- Closing The Modal Manually
- howing a Date Picker
- Working with "Futures" for Handling Data from the Future
- Adding a Dropdown Button
- Combining Conditions with AND and OR Operators
- Validating User Input & Showing an Error Dialog
- Saving New Expenses
- Creating a Fullscreen Modal
- Using the Dismissible Widget for Dismissing List Items
- Showing & Managing "Snackbars"
- Flutter & Material 3
- Getting Started with Theming
- Setting & Using a Colour Scheme
- Setting Text Themes
- Using Theme Data in Widgets
- Important: Adding Dark Mode
- Adding Dark Mode
- Using Another Kind of Loop (for-in)
- Adding Alternative Constructor Functions & Filtering Lists
- Adding Chart Widgets
- Module Summary
Building Responsive & Adaptive User Interfaces [EXPENSE TRACKER APP]
- Module Introduction
- What is "Responsiveness"?
- Locking the Device Orientation
- Updating the UI based on the Available Space
- Understanding Size Constraints
- Handling to Screen Overlays like the Soft Keyboard
- Understanding "Safe Areas"
- Using the LayoutBuilder Widget
- Building Adaptive Widgets
- Module Summary
Building Responsive & Adaptive User Interfaces [EXPENSE TRACKER APP]
- Module Introduction
- What is "Responsiveness"?
- Locking the Device Orientation
- Updating the UI based on the Available Space
- Understanding Size Constraints
- Handling to Screen Overlays like the Soft Keyboard
- Understanding "Safe Areas"
- Using the LayoutBuilder Widget
- Building Adaptive Widgets
- Module Summary
Flutter & Dart Internals [TODO APP]
- Module Introduction
- Three Trees: Widget Tree, Element Tree & Render Tree
- How The UI Is Updated
- Refactor & Extract Widgets To Avoid Unnecessary Builds
- Understanding Keys - Setup
- Which Problem Do Keys Solve?
- Understanding & Using Keys
- Mutating Values in Memory & Making Sense of var, final & const
- Module Summary
Building Multi-Screen & Navigating Between Screens [MEALS APP]
- Module Introduction
- Project Setup
- Using a GridView
- Widgets vs Screens
- Displaying Category Items on a Screen
- Making any Widget Tappable with InkWell
- Adding Meals Data
- Loading Meals Data Into a Screen
- Adding Cross-Screen Navigation
- Passing Data to the Target Screen
- Introducing the Stack Widget
- Improving the MealItem Widget
- Adding Navigation to the MealDetails Screen
- Improving the MealDetails Screen
- Adding Tab-based Navigation
- Passing Functions Through Multiple Layers of Widgets (for State Management)
- Managing App-wide State & Data
- Adding a Side Drawer
- Closing the Drawer Manually
- Adding a Filter Item
- Replacing Screens (Instead of Pushing)
- Adding More Filter Options
- Replacing WillPopScope with PopScope
- Returning Data When Leaving a Screen
- Reading & Using Returned Data
- Applying Filters
- An Alternative Navigation Pattern: Using Named Routes
- Module Summary
Managing App - wide State [MEALS APP]
- Module Introduction
- What's The Problem?
- Installing the Solution: Riverpod
- How State Management with Riverpod Works
- Creating a Provider
- Using a Provider
- Creating a More Complex Provider with StateNotifier
- Using the FavoritesProvider
- Triggering a Notifier Method
- Getting Started with Another Provider
- Combining Local & Provider-managed State
- Outsourcing State Into The Provider
- Connecting Multiple Providers With Each Other (Dependent Providers)
- Swapping The "Favorite Button" Based On Provider State
- Module Summary
- "riverpod" vs "provider" - There are many Alternatives!
Adding Animation - [MEALS APP]
- Module Introduction
- Setup & Understanding Explicit vs Implicit Animations
- Explicit Animations: Adding an Animation Controller
- Explicit Animations: Playing the Animation with AnimatedBuilder
- Fine Tuning Explicit Animations
- Getting Started with Implicit Animations
- Configuring Implicit Animations
- Adding Multi-Screen Transitions
- Module Summary
Handling User Input & Working with Forms - [SHOPPING LIST APP]
- Module Introduction
- Setup & A Challenge For You
- Challenge Solution 1 - Building & Using Models
- Challenge Solution 2 - Building the List UI
- Adding a "New Item" Screen
- The Form & TextFormField Widgets
- A Form-aware Dropdown Button
- Adding Buttons to a Form
- Adding Validation Logic
- Getting Form Access via a Global Key
- Extracting Entered Values
- Passing Data Between Screens
- Final Challenge Solution
- Module Summary
Handling User Input & Working with Forms - [SHOPPING LIST APP]
- Module Introduction
- Setup & A Challenge For You
- Challenge Solution 1 - Building & Using Models
- Challenge Solution 2 - Building the List UI
- Adding a "New Item" Screen
- The Form & TextFormField Widgets
- A Form-aware Dropdown Button
- Adding Buttons to a Form
- Adding Validation Logic
- Getting Form Access via a Global Key
- Extracting Entered Values
- Passing Data Between Screens
- Final Challenge Solution
- Module Summary
Connecting a Backend & Sending HTTP Requests [SHOPPING LIST APP]
- Module Introduction
- What's a Backend? And Why Would You Want One?
- What Is HTTP & How Does It Work?
- Setting Up a Dummy Backend (Firebase)
- Adding the http Package
- Sending a POST Request to the Backend
- Working with the Request & Waiting for the Response
- Fetching & Transforming Data
- Avoiding Unnecessary Requests
- Managing the Loading State
- Error Response Handling
- Sending DELETE Requests
- Handling the "No Data" Case
- Better Error Handling
- Module Summary
- Using the FutureBuilder Widget
Using Native Device Features (e.g. Camera) [FAVOURITE PLACES APP]
- Module Introduction
- Setup & A Challenge For You!
- Adding a Place Model (Challenge Solution 1/6)
- Adding a "Places" Screen (Challenge Solution 2/6)
- Adding an "Add Place" Screen (Challenge Solution 3/6)
- Adding "riverpod" & A Provider (Challenge Solution 4/6)
- Adding Places with Provider & Displaying Places (Challenge Solution 5/6)
- Adding a "Place Details" Screen (Challenge Solution 6/6)
- Adding a "Pick an Image" Input
- Installing the "Image Picker" Package
- Using the Device Camera For Taking Pictures
- Adding the Picked Image to the Model & "Add Place" Form
- Previewing the Picked Image
- Important: "location" Package & Android
- Adding the "location" Package & Starting with the "Get Location" Input Widget
- Getting the User's Current Location
- Using the Google Maps API - Setup
- Using Google's Geocoding API
- Storing the Location Data in the Model
- Displaying a Location Preview Map Snapshot via Google
- Using the Picked Location in the Form
- Outputting the Location Data
- Installing & Configuring the Google Maps Package
- Adding a "Map" Screen
- Displaying the Picked Place on a Dynamic Map
- Handling Map Taps for Selecting a Location Manually
- Using the Map Screen in the "Add Place" Form
- Installing Packages for Local (On-Device) Data Storage
- Storing the Picked Image Locally
- Storing Place Data in a (On-Device) SQL Database
- Loading Data from the SQL Database
- Using a FutureBuilder for Loading Data
- Module Summary
- Adding Your Own Native Code
Push Notification & More : Building a [CHAT APP WITH FLUTTER & FIREBASE]
- Module Introduction
- App & Firebase Setup
- Adding an Authentication Screen
- Adding Buttons & Modes to the Authentication Screen
- Validating User Input
- Firebase CLI & SDK Setup 1/2
- FlutterFire Configuration
- Firebase CLI & SDK Setup 2/2
- Signing Users Up
- Logging Users In
- Showing Different Screens Based On The Authentication State
- Adding a Splash Screen (Loading Screen)
- Adding User Logout
- Image Upload: Setup & First Steps
- Adding a User Image Picker Widget
- Using the ImagePicker Package
- Managing The Selected Image In The Authentication Form
- Uploading Images To Firebase
- Showing a Loading Spinner Whilst Uploading
- Adding a Remote Database: Firestore Setup
- Sending Data to Firestore
- Storing a Username
- Adding ChatMessages & Input Widgets
- A Note About Reading Data From Firestore
- Sending & Reading Data To & From Firestore
- Loading & Displaying Chat Messages as a Stream
- Styling Chat Message Bubbles
- Push Notifications - Setup & First Steps
- Requesting Permissions & Getting an Address Token
- Testing Push Notifications
- Working with Notification Topics
- Sending Push Notifications Automatically via Cloud Functions
- Module Summary
Next Steps & Roundup
- Publishing Android Apps
- Course Roundup
Understand Flutter Project Structure: Learn the basics of a Flutter project, from setup to code structure.
Master Dart Fundamentals: Gain a solid understanding of Dart programming language, including functions, variables, and data types.
Work with Widgets: Learn about different widgets in Flutter, how to use them, and build complex widget trees.
Create Custom Widgets: Understand the importance of custom widgets, how to build them, and reuse them across your app.
State Management: Get i ntroduced to stateful widgets and learn how to manage state in a Flutter app.
Debugging Skills: Develop skills to debug Flutter apps using error messages, debug mode, and Flutter DevTools.
Adding Interactivity: Learn to add interactive elements like buttons, input
Theming and Styling: Understand how to apply themes, styles, and dark mode to your Flutter app.
Responsive UI Design: Build responsive and adaptive user interfaces that work well on different screen sizes and orientations.
Multi-Screen Navigation: Learn to navigate between multiple screens and pass data across them.
Advanced State Management with Riverpod: Implement complex state management using Riverpod.
Animations: Add explicit and implicit animations to enhance the user experience in your Flutter app.
Form Handling: Work with forms, input validation, and manage form data in Flutter.
Backend Integration: Connect your Flutter app to a backend service, send HTTP requests, and handle responses.
Native Device Features: Utilise native device features like the camera and location services in your Flutter app.
Push Notifications: Implement push notifications and work with Firebase for authentication and real-time data.
App Deployment: Learn the process of publishing your Flutter app to the Google Play Store.